Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)
It was very interesting reading the many articles on this site. Some examples were EPIC Urges Scrutiny of Proposed Federal Profiling Agency This office would oversee vast databases of digital fingerprints and photographs, eye scans and personal information from millions of American citizens and lawful foreign visitors. Homeland Security has announced that the office's operations would be conducted in a manner that safeguards civil liberties, but the agency has not yet explained how it proposes to protect privacy rights or ensure accountability. Another was Study Finds Extensive Data Mining in Federal Agencies. The General Accounting Office has issued a report (pdf) that identifies almost 200 data mining projects throughout the federal government that are either operational or in the planning stage. Many of them make use of personally identifiable data obtained from private sector databases. Sen. Daniel Akaka, who requested the study, released a statement and said, "It is time that we review agency practices and existing law to ensure that the privacy rights of individuals are not violated through the development of new technology." (May 27)
I was glad to be made aware of how to obtain this type of information.
When I went to find this site, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hS8ywG5M_NQ this message appeared at the top of the page This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Viacom International Inc.
This was the first time I have come across not being able to view something because of a copyright claim.
No Place to Hide Site
These are the words that appear at the top of the site:
When you go to work, stop at the store, fly in a plane, or surf the web, you are being watched. They know where you live, the value of your home, the names of your friends and family, in some cases even what you read. Where the data revolution meets the needs of national security, there is no place to hide.
This is what the site is about: No Place To Hide is a multimedia investigation by news organizations working together across print and broadcast platforms, to make a greater impact than any one organization could alone.
According to Michiko Kakutani in the The New York Times wrote No Place to Hide - an America where citizens' 'right to be let alone,' as Justice Louis Brandeis of the Supreme Court once put it, is increasingly imperiled, where more and more components of our daily lives are routinely monitored, recorded and analyzed."
This is a site where you can find out different kinds of investigations that are being conducted by the government.
Week 14- Comments
16 years ago