Thursday, August 28, 2008

My first muddiest point is making sure I understand the proper times and dates to do the readings and submit the assignments. It is my understanding 1) Muddiest point is to be submitted on Friday (this week); 2) Reading notes are to be submitted on Friday (this week) formal or informal; 3) Submission of 2 comments/answers on other students muddiest points or readings are due on Monday of the next week; 4) A clear presentation of my ideas in one or two pages is due 3 pm on the due date 1st one on September 2nd. I am not sure if I have my submissions correct. Since this is the first time I am doing a blog it has taken me much longer than 10 minutes to set up my blog. I had difficulty in getting my links to be live.


1 comment:

Maggie said...

Hey Joyce, I was thinking that you, Tamoul and I are all in this class, so maybe we could help each other out with deadlines. I think you are at Andorra? I am at Falls, so we are not even that far away from each other--I don't remember where Tamoul works. People seem to respond in pretty good time to these blogs when you ask those kind of questions, but just in case... we can always just call each other at work:)